
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

First two weeks at site

So it's been a combination of exhaustion and boredom, it's quite difficult to describe. I jumped right into a summer program teaching a few hours a day, playing English games and doing "creative" projects. It's been fun and relaxed so far but I'm running out of ideas already! I tried showing a film, Happy Feet, and realized the DVD player remote had no batteries, so I ran around town before class trying to find some. Finally found some and put them in, still didn't work! So the kids had to watch the movie in English, which = boredom after about 15 minutes. So I tried to use the computer lab with the kids and that's a whole other story. Only 6 computers in the lab work, 3 of which I can't log onto because for some reason the teachers don't have the passwords and don't know how to work the computers anyhow. And the ones that are up and running are still useless because there are no educational programs installed and the internet is always down. Plan C, the English library, but again, not today, because it's connected to the accountant's office and the accountant has the keys to the room and she's out on vacation for the summer. You'd think that the director's office would have a key to every room in the school building, but that's just all too logical for them. It doesn't really make sense to me. But oh well. Welcome to the Bulgarian school system.

Besides that, I finally moved into my apartment last week which was very exciting and very dirty. My school director had two ladies come to clean the place, thank goodness, because I couldn't have done it on my own. There was so much calcium and iron build up from the hard water on all my faucets and sinks, one of the ladies went at it with a chef's knife! I find out today vinegar works just as well. I also learned how to use my washing machine, which I am by the way, very grateful for. The out water tube empties in the sink instead of draining into pipes from the wall. During the spin cycle, the water started to empty and the tube got loose, flooding my entire kitchen, getting under the laminate floor. I scampered around with all my towels to soak it up and finally cleaned up the mess. After I thought I knew what I was doing, half an hour later, the same exact thing happened again and I was scampering around like a fool for a second time, this time with my clothes since I had nothing else to soak up the mess. That sort of pissed me off for the day, but I think I have that thing under control. But never be too sure, Sarah, I say, because as soon as you think you know everything, the washing machine will rise again!

So I've been cleaning and setting up my apartment but there's just some things that can't seem to get done. Like putting up posters or pictures of friends and family. I keep meaning to, but then sleep calls or this wonderful little thing called high-speed internet calls to me and what can I do but be pulled in by the sweet sweet pings, dings, and gurgles of my Mac? I'm a sucker, I know. I did however re-pot the plants I inherited, including a beautiful Ficus and Poinsetta plant. I also planted some cilantro, so we'll see how that pans out. So ok, I haven't been all that unproductive. I am teaching, I am learning more about plants and washing machines. I'm learning more about cleaning through internet research than I ever would have in the states, that's how I figured about the vinegar. See?! This is why internet is so helpful! I can't read the Bulgarian and 10 other languages on the back of the Mr. Muscle (renamed from Mr. Clean in the States) cleaning product!

So two more weeks of teaching and then a break finally! This is why I'm exhausted. I jumped right into work as soon as I moved to my permanent site and I'm just aching for a vacation. Unfortunately the Peace Corps doesn't let us leave our town for more than a weekend the first 3 months because they want us to "integrate" so I'm shackled to my town. Not that that's the end of the world, but "integration" doesn't come after three months of saying hello to the corner store lady. It just doesn't work that way. It takes time, and a hell of a lot at that.

I have had my share of adventure however. The Michael Bolton concert in Sofia started the fun. A friend knew a friend that worked for Bolton's booking agent and got us free tickets, how awesome is that?! And if you didn't know yet, I'm the queen of easy listening, so I was in heaven. I was able to see the latest Harry Potter movie which made me squeal with glee and I bought a bicycle with a little basket on the front. I do have to make a trip to Sofia very soon for a helmet and some much needed heavy duty insect repellent for the fleas. So another trip is in the works. Hopefully I can find my way to the Black Sea for a weekend of baking and salty swimming.
I'll write again soon!
The End

***The writing, ideas, beliefs, and whatever else you can think of are the opinions of yours truly. They are the opinions of one person's Peace Corps experience and in no way, shape, or form are the opinions of the United States or the US Peace Corps or representative of other Peace Corps volunteers in Bulgaria and around the world. Just an FYI!

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